The room of discord.

He says it’s safe.
She says it’s not.
She says I’m worried,
Would you please put on a lock?

In a place where hearts and lives begin to mend, conflicts easily flare.

A mother thinks safety and control.
A father thinks power and scare.

The dialog hesitant,
The wounds exposed bare.

In the room of discord a child can sleep, blissfully unaware.

Time will heal.
Reveal the stakes.
Resolution not being immediacy,
Modulation is the end game.

mod·u·la·tion  (mŏj′ə-lā′shən)

  1. The act or process of modulating.
  2. The state of being modulated.
  3. Music
    a. A passing or transition from one key or tonality to another.
    b. The result of such a transition.

  4. a. A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.
    b. An instance of such a change or an inflection.
  5. The harmonious use of language, as in poetry or prose.
  6. The act of modifying or adjusting according to due measure and proportion (as with regard to artistic effect)
  7. Electronics The variation of a property of an electromagnetic wave or signal, such as its amplitude, frequency, or phase.