
As of tonight, we entered stage 4 restriction. For 5 days. The state goes in lockdown, and we are locked up. Down. Up. Stage 4. Days 5.

So for the next little while, close contacts will self isolate, tracers will trace, we will do all we can, at home, mostly laying down, being locked up.

Zsuzsa just back from a school camp, everyone 2 weeks in a new school year, routines just starting to be established and so unready to be disturbed.

Yet somewhat we feel ready. 5 days. If we’re lucky. En attendant la suite.

In Melbourne, tennis players still play tennis. Nothing stops the sports caravan. Professional athletes, for the next 5 days, are essential workers.

We just watch. And observe. Up and down, back and forth, laying down, this dystopian feeling of 2020 playing over, and unfold in 2021. Again and again.

Somewhat scary, somewhat profound, a testing of our own peacefulness.